The accuracy in the production process and flexibility in the product customization allows
Spallinificio del Sud to be a benchmark for the best fashion brands.
for clothing and tailors
Shoulder pads, sleeve head rolls and plastron
The accuracy in the production process and flexibility in the product customization allows
Spallinificio del Sud to be a benchmark for the best fashion brands.
for clothing and tailors
Shoulder pads, sleeve head rolls and plastron
The accuracy in the production process and flexibility in the product customization allows
Spallinificio del Sud to be a benchmark for the best fashion brands.
for clothing and tailors
Shoulder pads, sleeve head rolls and plastron
The accuracy in the production process and flexibility in the product customization allows
Spallinificio del Sud to be a benchmark for the best fashion brands.
for clothing and tailors
Shoulder pads, sleeve head rolls and plastron
The accuracy in the production process and flexibility in the product customization allows
Spallinificio del Sud to be a benchmark for the best fashion brands.
The craftsmanship of production
100% made in Italy
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